Mar 192017


I’m going to take a moment to appeal to your better natures, as great heroes with hearts of courage wrapped in a noble countenance of compassion.

A fellow player, Will Daring, has been dealt a genuinely awful, unthinkable hand by the whims of fate. Unfortunately, he is now facing the end of the road. This came to my attention during a conversation on the Steam Forums, which I’ll link below:

Here’s where he first mentions his illness,

And here’s the update where he explains how the story will end.

I’d like to share with you a link to his fundraising page.

Will is no longer collecting this money for life saving surgery, as that window has closed. Instead, funds raised here will go toward the myraid expenses of end of life care. Read it over, think about it, spread the word, and if you are willing and able, pitch in a few bucks to help out.

In addition, I’ve added an item to the bugfix patch that will drop later this month. I’ll admit that it almost feels trite to reduce a story like his to an item in a silly video game, but on the other hand I imagine the gamer in him is happy to know that his story fuels what will be one of the most lucrative drops for players looking to build out the perfect hero.

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