Apr 052013

This has been an incredible week for development! Some important stuff has fallen into place in recent days:

  • A collection of light, medium, and heavy armor sprites: multiple tiers, multiple gear slots.
  • New and improved art for the Crypt and Dungeonmans Academy.
  • Music system lurching to life: intros, looping sections, and the beautiful overworld theme.
  • Retooling the UI with vastly improved art and item information descriptions.

Dungeonmans has been around as a project for a long time, with a great collection of art and development assets, some of which have aged better than others. Clearing out the old items and entering the new is somewhat time consuming but quite rewarding! I’m seeing new gear drop from prettier monsters in improved areas, with the awesome dungeon background track playing, it’s terrific.

I’ll admit, today I was so wrapped up I forgot it was Thursday until just a little while ago. I really enjoyed last week’s update, because talking to people and learning from them is super fun and one of the best parts of running your own project. At the same time, sometimes you just gotta knuckle down and work. My apologies for being light on content this week.

I do have a screenshot of a wonderful bug in the new UI, one that I might want to fix given the small, itsy-bitsy potential for balance and misinformation issues:

 It's burning for *you*.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading!

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